So in this regard we had a conversation with Anshuman Singh, Senior Director Product Management at Barracuda Networks .Here are the details
- How big a threat is Ransomware and Phishing in India?
Ransomware and Phishing attacks across the world are on the rise. Security analysts predict an average of 200 new variants of Ransomware per quarter with no signs of slowing well into 2023. According to the latest APWG report, the total number of phishing attacks in 2016 was 1,220,523, a 65% increase over 2015. Cybercriminals are increasingly using ransomware to attack Indian firms and entities. India ranks amongst the Top 5 countries in terms of ransomware attacks. The number could be much higher as many organizations do not come out in the open fearing loss of trust amongst clients and loss of future business.
- Can you highlight a few trends as seen in the cybersecurity market across the world.
It comes as no surprise that some malware strains have become household names in the last couple of years, with Cryptolocker, Locky, Cerber, and JigSaw being the most popular. Locky is probably the most notorious, known for its flexibility in using different modern programming kits that deliver threats via office documents. In 2016, we saw hundreds of thousands of documents used as attacks, though not all of them contained ransomware. Due to the prevalence of these at-risk documents, Barracuda introduced a new security layer to keep up with the sheer volume of incoming threats.
- Any specific industries which you feel are more prone to ransomware attacks?
According to a Bitsight report, in 2016, 61 percent of global organizations fell victim to ransomware and ended up paying the fee demanded of them by the hackers. However, the education Industry was the most hit industry by ransomware followed by government agencies and healthcare organizations.
- How to protect sensitive data against spam emails and phishing attacks?
Ransomware is just another type of malware. While human education is important, ensuring that you have a comprehensive security posture is equally as important. Barracuda Networks solutions such as Essentials for Office 365 protects organizations from email-borne threats, ransomware phishing, and other advanced persistent threats by leveraging ATP as well. It also protects data by backing it up directly to Barracuda Cloud Storage.
- Any predictions in terms of cyber security in 2017
Cyber threats are constantly evolving, which requires that consumers be especially vigilant in preventing such attacks. Poly-morphic attacks continue to be highly effective as they have for many years. In that respect, it is highly difficult what the next type of attack will be. What is more important is to have the right type of defenses in place to deal with them effectively as they happen. This requires that customers protect themselves from all threats across all threat vectors. Barracuda is well positioned to provide the necessary protection with its portfolio of security products, that are all protected with it “Advanced Threat Protection” technologies, that will remove all known and unknown threats.