Zebronics has launched MONSTER SOUND Zen 2.1 speakers with LED light show at Rs 2323. The Speaker has been designed for the music and movie enthusiasts looking for that edge of innovation. The sub-woofer comes with 12.7cms low range drivers and the satellite speakers are powered by 7.6cms full range drivers for high performance output.
Ensuring user friendliness and ease, Zen Speakers is equipped with a USB/SD card reader, which supports MP3/WMA dual format decoding. The Speaker also allows the user to enjoy up to 100 FM stations. The product is already available with leading retail stores across India.
With a powerful output, the Zen Speakers are more than just muscle which provides detail, clarity and serious sound. The Speaker has been designed for the music and movie enthusiasts looking for that edge in innovation. The sub-woofer comes with 12.7cms(5) low range drivers and the satellite speakers are powered by 7.6cms(3) full range drivers for high performance output.
With the massive 40 Watts RMS Monster sound its the pure combination of bass and treble that results in the most unique and unmatched audio experience.