Lenovo has revealed that its recently announced Vibe K5 Plus smartphone will be launched on the 15 of March in India. The smartphone is the elder sibling to the Vibe K5 and packs in some mid-range internals at a budget price tag. The company has reportedly sent out media invites for the same.The Lenovo Vibe K5 was announced at this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona alongside the Vibe K5. Both smartphones have plenty in common when it comes to hardware, with the only detail being the display resolution.
The Lenovo Vibe K5 Plus sports a 5-inch Full HD display (1920×1080 pixels) and is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 616 processor. Also included is a 2750mAh battery (removable), 16GB in-built storage and support for up to a 32GB microSD card. The speakers support Dolby Atmos technology and are two of them are mounted on the rear to provide stereo audio.
The K5 Plus is equipped with a 13MP rear camera and a 5MP front one. The device sports a slim waistline at just 8.2mm and weighs in at 142 grams.
The K5 Plus is equipped with a 13MP rear camera and a 5MP front one. The device sports a slim waistline at just 8.2mm and weighs in at 142 grams.
Lenovo is expected to put up the Vibe K5 Plus on sale for Rs 10,200 starting this March. It will be available in Platinum Silver or Champagne Gold options.