The Rise of Pavel Durov, Russia's 'Mark Zuckerberg,' Founder of Telegram Messaging App and VKontakte Social Media Platform
While there can never be an industry disruptor quite like Mark Zuckerberg, Russia has found its own version of the technology icon.
Pavel Durov, the 32-year-old CEO of Telegram, is one of the most successful businessmen in the world, but his story is unique. Durov was forced out of his home country.
What Is Telegram?
Billions of people around the world, including a sizable Latino user base, use Facebook every day, making it one of the most popular social media networks. But Telegram is not as well known outside of Russia.
For uninitiated, Telegram is an encrypted messaging app that allows users to connect in remote locations, coordinate groups and encrypt personal and business secrets. It also allows users to destroy messages.Durov built the application, and it has gained 100 million users, a number that is likely to continue to grow as it gains popularity.
Billions of people around the world, including a sizable Latino user base, use Facebook every day, making it one of the most popular social media networks. But Telegram is not as well known outside of Russia.
For uninitiated, Telegram is an encrypted messaging app that allows users to connect in remote locations, coordinate groups and encrypt personal and business secrets. It also allows users to destroy messages.Durov built the application, and it has gained 100 million users, a number that is likely to continue to grow as it gains popularity.
Who Is Durov?
Durov created the social media platform VKontakte, known as the Russian Facebook. However, the government gained control of the network, and Durov decided to leave the country after the Kremlin raided his apartment. He remained defiant on social media, as he did not want to give up control.
When he left for New York, he decided to begin Telegram, a company he kept secret until he had finished the app. He brought some of his employees from VKontakte and used profits from his first venture to fund Telegram. The site, which encrypts chat and makes it incredibly difficult for governments to spy on users, was in many ways a response to the intrusion into VKontakte by the Kremlin.
Today, Telegram is not making revenue, but Durov has kept it alive by investing $1 million of his own money. He is also traveling a lot and does not stay in one place for too long. However, it is unlikely he will return to Russia, where he would probably be arrested.
Durov has become something of a hero to privacy activists for his stand against the Russian government after it took control of his work.
The technology mogul is very active on social media, keeping his fans and followers in constant conversation. He shares updates on his status as he travels, as well as news about Telegram, with his followers on Twitter. In his latest pictures, Durov featured Paris, including a party to celebrate Telegram reaching 100 million users.
Durov created the social media platform VKontakte, known as the Russian Facebook. However, the government gained control of the network, and Durov decided to leave the country after the Kremlin raided his apartment. He remained defiant on social media, as he did not want to give up control.
When he left for New York, he decided to begin Telegram, a company he kept secret until he had finished the app. He brought some of his employees from VKontakte and used profits from his first venture to fund Telegram. The site, which encrypts chat and makes it incredibly difficult for governments to spy on users, was in many ways a response to the intrusion into VKontakte by the Kremlin.
Today, Telegram is not making revenue, but Durov has kept it alive by investing $1 million of his own money. He is also traveling a lot and does not stay in one place for too long. However, it is unlikely he will return to Russia, where he would probably be arrested.
Durov has become something of a hero to privacy activists for his stand against the Russian government after it took control of his work.
The technology mogul is very active on social media, keeping his fans and followers in constant conversation. He shares updates on his status as he travels, as well as news about Telegram, with his followers on Twitter. In his latest pictures, Durov featured Paris, including a party to celebrate Telegram reaching 100 million users.