
How to Celebrate Holi In Scientific Way

Holi, the festival of Colours is celebrated in whole India with joy on full moon day in the month of Phalgun which is the month of March (mostly) as per the Gregorian calendar. Here, we intend to trace the science behind the festival of Holi.

Festival of Holi comes in the Spring Season which is a period between end of winter and arrival of summer.  This period induces the growth of bacteria in the atmosphere as well as in the body. When Holika is burnt, temperature of the nearby area raises around 50-60 degree Celsius. Following the tradition when people perform Parikrama (go around the bonfire/pyre), the heat coming from the bonfire kills the bacteria in the body and cleanses it and heat of bonfire/pyre also cleanses the environment.

In some parts of the country, after Holika Dahan (burning of Holika pyre) people put ash on their forehead as tilak and also mix Chandan (paste of sandal wood) with the young leaves and flowers of the Mango tree and consume. It is believed to promote good health.

This is the season, when people get the feeling of laziness. This is quite natural for the body to experiences some laziness because of change in weather from cold to the hot in the atmosphere. To counter this laziness, people sing Songs with Dhol, Manjira and other traditional instruments. This helps in rejuvenating the human body. Their physical movement while playing with colours also helps in the process.

People also clean-up their houses on Holi which helps in clearing up the dust and mess in the house and get rid of mosquitoes and others pests. A clean house generally makes the residents feel good and generate positive energies.

Colours play vital role in fitness of human body. Deficiency of a particular colour could cause an ailment and can be cured when that colour element is supplemented either through diet or medicine. In ancient times, when people started playing Holi, the colours used by them were made from natural sources like turmeric, Neem, Palash (Tesu) etc. The playful pouring and throwing of colour powders made from these natural sources has a healing effect on the human body. It has the effect of strengthening the ions in the body and adds health and beauty to it.

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