
Google's Gift For You, Launches Developer Version Of Android N

Google gives you a gift this year by shocking people around the world with the latest medium update (Oh Yeah! You read that right..) by Hiroshi Lockheimer says that the team decided it wanted to release the preview earlier in order to get more feedback from developers earlier in the process and get the final N release into the ahands of device manufacturers this summer.

However, Google has already released its Android N Developer Preview which can be tested on current Nexus devices. To be on Google I/O you can register yourself (Hurry Guys… It’s  open).

Preview 1 is the initial release or Alpha version of Android N. Preview 2 and Preview 3 are incremental beta updates. Preview 4 will include the final APIs and official SDK, Play Publishing, while Preview 5 is the near-final system image for last-minute tests. The final release will follow Preview 5 in Q3 2016.

Some time between the Developer Preview going live and the final version of Android N being announced Google will confirm the new operating system's name and number, revealing a new Android lawn statue at the US Googleplex.

And we will find out exactly how far off the mark is our guess of Android 7.0 Nutella.

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